

  • 演员:布鲁·欧吉尔,贝努特·里格恩特,Fe
  • 简介: 影片讲四个同住一间宿舍的女大学生,都是学习表演的学生,她们的作业是学习一部名叫《双重不忠》的剧本,结果剧中情节对她们的真实生活产生奇妙的影响,尤其是她们如何处理爱情、性欲、信任、背叛、犯罪、艺术等人生课题。


  • 演员:朱丽叶·比诺什,文森特·林顿,格莱戈
  • 简介: 让和莎拉已经同居10年了,他们初次相遇时,萨拉和弗朗索瓦住在一起。弗朗索瓦是让最好的朋友,也是让之前打职业橄榄球时的仰慕者。让和萨拉是相爱的,一天,萨拉在街上看到弗朗索瓦。他没有注意到她,但她强烈感觉到自己的生活可能突然改变。弗朗索瓦与让多年来第一次重新取得联系,他建议两人再次一起工作,从此,一切都失控了。


  • 演员:多米妮克·桑达,布鲁·欧吉尔,马修·
  • 简介: Each night in Paris, hundreds of men and women anonymously use telephone lines that date from the German Occupation and are no longer listed to talk to each other, to love each other. These people, shipwrecked lovers, are dying to love, to escape the abyss of solitude...


  • 演员:伊莎贝尔·于佩尔,路易·加瑞尔,布鲁
  • 简介: 此为电视电影,改编自2014年同名舞台剧,同导演同主演,故事源自法国十八世纪喜剧大师马里沃的同名作品,此为现代改编版。


  • 演员:费尔南多·雷伊,保罗·弗朗克尔,德菲
  • 简介: 客人们来到塞内夏尔家参加晚宴,却发现晚宴要在明晚才举行。他们只好去一家小酒馆,但计划再次受挫,因为小酒馆正在为他们刚去世的店主守灵。另一次聚餐也由于塞内夏尔夫妇偷偷从家里溜出去亲热而临时取消;来客们却误以为警察要发动袭击,赶紧溜之大吉。接下来的一次晚宴也被迫中断,因为拉练的部队出人意料地出现在塞内夏尔公馆。甚至噩梦也为他们要举办晚宴这一受挫的努力提供佐料:他们兴致勃勃入席,却莫名其妙发现身边的帷幕突然拉起,他们成了坐在舞台上用餐的表演者。还有一次,陆军上校当着唐·拉斐尔大使的面污辱了所谓的米兰达共和国,险些酿成外交灾祸,当然更不必提那晚的聚餐了。就这样,影片中的六个人物(包括塞内夏尔夫妇、唐·拉斐尔大使)不断地坐下来用餐,却总是出现意想不到的障碍,使他们吃不成。


  • 演员:莱斯莉·卡伦,布鲁·欧吉尔
  • 简介: 埃里克(Corin Redgrave)是一位小说家,他的想象力异常强大。 在法国乡村探索一座破败的豪宅,寻找他的故事的网站时,他遇到了一个穿着另一个衣服的女孩。 回到现场后,他遇到了一位现代女性,她说自己可能遇到了鬼魂。 他对这种看似不可能的情况着迷.   


  • 演员:伊莎贝尔·于佩尔,布鲁·欧吉尔,阿丽
  • 简介: Magdalena and Maria are two twin sisters who were separated at birth and know nothing of the other’s existence.  Maria runs away from the boarding school in which she was brought up and finds work as a cabaret performer in the cafés of Marseilles.  Magdalena lives with her adopted parents and works in an art gallery.  The two sisters are joined by an invisible bond which draws them towards the same tragic conclusion.  Director Werner Schroeter has acquired a reputation as an experimentalist filmmaker, hailed by some as an underrated genius, reviled by others for being a peddler of self-indulgent kitsch.  Deux is arguably Schroeter’s most ambitious, unsettling and repulsive work to date.  The director certainly wastes no time in alienating his audience; from the first ten minutes of the film it is clear this is not going to be an easy ride.  The narrative cuts haphazardly between seemingly unconnected events, alternating between realism and stylised fantasy dream sequences, periodically shocking the spectator with graphic images of lesbian sex and a woman being slowly disembowelled.  Having several actors playing multiple parts only adds to the sense of artifice and utter confusion, which is a pity as there is manifestly a lot of great acting talent on show – not least of which is Isabelle Huppert.  The film’s sheer relentless grotesqueness and self-indulgence is so extreme, so unbridled, so stomach-churningly provocative, that it is hard to take any of it seriously.


  • 演员:哈里·拜厄,哈克·波姆,玛吉特·卡斯
  • 简介: 影片讲一个自称恐怖分子的团伙,是由社会中上层人士组成的,他们的反社会行为替政府的镇压提供了依据。在这部影片中,暴力不仅作为一种反抗社会的武器是无效力的,而且它实质上已为社会所同化。正像影片中一位警官所说“我最近做了个梦……梦见资本家捏造出恐怖主义是为了迫使政府更好地保护他们。”影片的内容十分荒诞、角色的性格带有神经质而且颓废。


  • 演员:布鲁·欧吉尔,帕斯卡·欧吉尔,皮埃尔
  • 简介: 在巴黎街头的虚幻漫步中,Marie(Bulle Ogier饰)是一名因抢劫银行而被定罪的女人,她刚从监狱里出来,就遇到了需要陪伴的年轻偏执狂Baptiste(Pascale Ogier饰),两人合作了一段时间。玛丽的前男友(Pierre Clementi饰)向他们提供了一张奇怪的城市地图,这令人怀疑,因为他保留了可能与地图有某种联系的政治人物档案。一个绰号为“Max”的歹徒开始跟踪Marie和已经偏执的Baptiste,导致Marie检查地图,好像它掌握了城市的哪些侧面是“安全的”,哪些不是。当两个女人试图智胜Max和不知名的黑帮时,她们试图弄清楚地图 - 由于Baptiste倾向于剧烈刺激肾上腺素和Marie过度劳累的想象力(北桥上的一条龙是一个威胁,直到Baptiste尖叫他下来),这项任务变得更加困难。在龙和他们自己的恶魔之间,Marie和Baptiste面临着可怕的困难,无法完好无损地从这场不幸中走出来。〜Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi


  • 演员:朱丽叶·贝尔托,布鲁·欧吉尔,Jea
  • 简介: Rivette is relatively precise in his dealings with meaning. He is the most atavistically ceremonious of the Vague, in the sense that his abstraction as a journey leading inwards is always attended by signs and codas that affirm our passage. The transcendent rite of passage, in more ways than one, is about the symbolic enactment that paves the way. The transcendence itself is left to our sphere of experience, but we're at least brought to the doorstep. Oh, there's the improvisational flow that seems to throw people off, that things seem to be randomly bubbling up from nothing without significant plan or substance. The chance encounters in a world that we may recognize, the geography vaguely familiar whose nature is yet ultimately insoluble. There's a lot of that here. As in Celine, it is the breathing space that conducts our preparation to step beyond the mechanisms of reason. We don't reason with it, rather trust its intuitive flow. Like the dream world, it is only the figment of the known world spontaneously arisen as a stage or blank slate for the atavistic portents and divinations of the subconscious mind to be writ. But the rite of passage matters, in spite of the seemingly aimless wandering. Here it is about human effort to bypass the 'wall of paradise' constituted by the coincidence of apparent opposites (good and evil, light and dark, being and non-being). A barrier that obscures vision and traps in a world of names and forms that is only an apparent reality. Rendered in the film as twin goddesses of sun and moon, vying for a precious stone that enables their descend into the human world. The human characters are mere pawns to their schemes; to be seduced, tricked, threatened, or ultimately destroyed. Twin femme fatales, weaving spells in an inverse noir universe magnified into a macrocosmic struggle. The ill-prepared man who chances to steal a glimpse of them in their true form, like in the myth of Actaion who steals upon the Greek goddess Artemis bathing naked in a pool, has his consciousness shattered by the revelation. His mirrored image (the soul, the reflected half) is cracked. The woman who finally shatters the illusionary duality that quarantines human consciousness into meaningless dilemmas, does so by a sacrifice of blood. And this is the problem of the film. So much of it is a stridently symbolic enactment, a matter of ceremony. The sacrifice is, quite literally, a matter of spilling blood upon the symbolic stone and does not flow from anything - it is simply the schematic end of the spiritual myth. Although valuable as insight, the meaning of the film is trapped inside the rituals performed to signify it. Having cracked the outer shell to absorb it, the film seizes to resonate.
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