

  • 演员:罗比·凯,亚历克斯·伊特尔,本·卓别
  • 简介: 12岁的山姆(罗比·凯RobbieKay)是白血病末期病人,在第三次发病后他停止了上学,也不再住院化疗,而是每天由护士为他送血小板到家里,观察病情发展,度过生命的最后一年。山姆有位同样已经末期、只能坐轮椅的伙伴菲利克斯(亚历克斯·伊特尔AlexEtel饰)。两个男孩的家长专门请了家庭老师辅导他们,安排每天的学习活动。老师鼓励他们写日记,列出愿望清单。不管是成为科学家、看第一部成人恐怖片、跟女生接吻、搭乘飞船……山姆和菲利克斯都不畏病痛的一个个实现,同时还从自己的视角探索生死疑难。他们人生旅程虽然短暂,却无比精彩和绚烂。“我不希望你们为我伤心,因为——如果每次想到我都伤心,你们要怎么好好的记得我呢?”本片根据英国女作家莎莉‧妮柯丝的同名儿童小说改编。

无声的证言 第十八季-欧美剧

  • 演员:艾米莉娅·福克斯,David,Cav
  • 简介:   Three people, the Lakhanis, an Indian couple, and an employee are shot dead by a long range sniper on a garage forecourt - a seemingly motiveless crime. Ten miles away another victim, profoundly deaf Hannah Smithson, is also shot, though her boyfriend's brother Chris, targeted with her, survives but is unable to help with any information. Inspector Jane De Freitas, on the rebound from an affair with colleague Robert Drake, calls in the pathology team but with the sniper at large and shooting indiscriminately Thomas is concerned for ex-wife Julia and their daughter Rosie, now living with former drug user Conrad Devenish. After a fifth victim, Martin Cross,a charity worker at a school is shot the killer rings Jane to tell her that he is unstoppable.


  • 演员:艾米莉娅·福克斯,大卫·凯夫斯,理查
  • 简介: 今年,《沉默的见证》迎来了20周年纪念,它讲述了五个爆炸性的故事,把这部剧带到了新的未知领域,也深入到了城市生活的黑暗深处。五部当代惊悚小说,开始于伦敦熟悉的风景,结束于墨西哥尘土飞扬的灌木丛。

无声的证言 第十五季-欧美剧

  • 演员:艾米莉娅·福克斯,汤姆·沃德,谢莉·
  • 简介: Emilia Fox, William Gaminara and Tom Ward star as a team of forensic pathologists uncovering the truth behind suspicious deaths.

无声的证言 第十四季-欧美剧

  • 演员:艾米莉娅·福克斯,威廉·加米那拉,汤
  • 简介: The day after Professor Silverlake, consultant neurologist at the Dartmouth London hospital, has railed at three patients for smoking and drinking on the premises, all three are found dead. Silverlake, apparently the last doctor to visit the ward, later goes berserk with a rifle and is killed by police snipers. The ward's night nurse is also found dead. Nikki is deeply upset at having to perform an autopsy on a little girl who was murdered, apparently by Jason Bodle, on whom Silverlake once performed life-saving surgery, and wonders if the professor allowed himself to be shot out of remorse. Whilst Bodle is committed as unfit to plead, Silverlake's daughter, Naomi, asks Nikki to help clear her father's name of murder.


  • 演员:艾米莉娅·福克斯,汤姆·沃德
  • 简介: Following a court appearance for drunk driving, Leo is required to perform unpaid work as a punishment, assisting AJ, a community worker on a run-down,largely black-occupied housing estate in South London. AJ is hoping to divert boys away from crime by encouraging them to do sports, and, though initially dismissive of Leo as a white intruder, comes to respect him after he has s...


  • 演员:艾米莉娅·福克斯,汤姆·沃德,Wil
  • 简介: Emilia Fox, William Gaminara and Tom Ward star as a team of forensic pathologists uncovering the truth behind suspicious deaths.


  • 演员:艾米莉娅·福克斯,威廉·加米那拉,汤
  • 简介: The day after Professor Silverlake, consultant neurologist at the Dartmouth London hospital, has railed at three patients for smoking and drinking on the premises, all three are found dead. Silverlake, apparently the last doctor to visit the ward, later goes berserk with a rifle and is killed by police snipers. The wards night nurse is also found dead. Nikki is deeply upset at having to perform an autopsy on a little girl who was murdered, apparently by Jason Bodle, on whom Silverlake once performed life-saving surgery, and wonders if the professor allowed himself to be shot out of remorse. Whilst Bodle is committed as unfit to plead, Silverlakes daughter, Naomi, asks Nikki to help clear her fathers name of murder.


  • 演员:艾米莉娅·福克斯,威廉·加米那拉
  • 简介: Confectionery magnate John Briggs, head of an ailing empire and at odds with union leader Kenny Barber, is found dead of an apparent heart attack in a hotel bedroom. He was about to sell his company to millionaire Emmett Schwartzman. His sole heir is long estranged daughter Geraldine, to the chagrin of his brother Phillip, whom Geraldine appoints as company director. Young police pathologist Jack Hodgson claims Briggs was murdered, believing he had been with a prostitute, and is sufficiently persuasive that Leo recruits him to replace Harry, now working in New York. Briggs right hand man Trenter pays off escort Deanna Collier, who is actually Geraldines daughter and had just tracked Briggs down. Geraldine gives Deanna a charm bracelet but soon afterwards the girl is murdered.


  • 演员:威廉·加米那拉,汤姆·沃德,艾米莉娅
  • 简介: 一名法医在案件侦破中努力确定自己的角色。
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