

  • 演员:álvaro,Mel,José,Pa
  • 简介:   Sevilla, 1920. Teresa, una mujer de cuarenta aos, llega a Sevilla huyendo del misterioso asesinato del embajador espaol en Lisboa y tras la pista de un nombre: Roberta Luna, una alumna de la academia de seoritas de la ciudad. Intentando recabar información sobre la joven, Teresa decide hacerse pasar por profesora y solicita plaza en la Academia. Tras sorprender a la nueva directora Manuela por sus ideas progresistas y su nueva mentalidad, Teresa consigue el puesto y pasa a ser una más en el plantel de profesoras de la academia. Sin embargo, no todo va a ser igual de fácil para Teresa, ya que allí se encuentra con la oposición de su compaera más experimentada, Luisa, y la desmotivación de unas alumnas que nunca han recibido una educación que les ayude a pensar y a valerse por sí mismas.


  • 演员:Elyse,Maloway,Vinc
  • 简介: 超级小萌怪们欢迎维达来到她在甘草叉松林的新家,并带维达参观了他们最喜欢的地方,然后帮她度过了在学校的第一天。


  • 演员:VladimirKapustin;O
  • 简介: Gosha是一位来自小镇的聪明好奇的男孩,他和来自莫斯科的小女孩Katya成为好朋友后一起破解了当地历史博物馆的盗窃案。博物馆中被窃走的纪念章是寻找传说中一名白骑士隐藏的珍宝的关键。而不久前,当一个旅行马戏团刚刚来到镇上的时候,博物馆则遭遇了抢劫。


  • 演员:Deborah,Alter,Harr
  • 简介: 一个女人在马厩里被轮奸,即使强奸犯被抓进监狱,她也在许多个月后被折磨她的人可怕的幻象骚扰,而她的丈夫玩弄女人和每一件小事都吓得她魂不附体。


  • 演员:Ariel,Chavarría,Ma
  • 简介: Buenos Aires: A cop is called to a bizarre crime scene so requests the assistance of an old friend who has a penchant for the paranormal. When the pair discover that a number of homes are connected to a paranormal event the old friend calls upon his fellow enthusiasts and experts to investigate…


  • 演员:RobertoDAntona,Fra
  • 简介: 三個平日作惡多端的混混因為搶了一台露營車,而遇上一對逃亡中的母子,又被牽扯進一樁神祕的人體改造疫苗計劃,途中加入了瘋狂殺手與退休警察,大家一起往地獄直直撞去。


  • 演员:比利·坎贝尔,Kathryn,Ale
  • 简介:   In the aftermath of Catherines suicide, Detective John Cardinal outwardly accepts the evidence that she took her own life, but when he starts to receive taunting greeting cards blaming him for her death, he begins to question the suicide.


  • 演员:Irina,Kupchenko,An
  • 简介: At the full-house premiere of the much-anticipated new musical production of Romeo & Juliet high school group and their teacher mingle with the opening night crowd. They are surrounded by people who are full of excitement. But instead of a new interpretation of a classic, the on-stage drama is overtaken by real events. The theatre is infiltrated by terrorists and the audience are taken hostage. In a high-pressure situation where hundreds of lives are at stake, the experienced school teacher is thrust unwittingly into the role of chief negotiator between the police and the terrorists. Her former students are forced to turn from theory to practice and save not only their lives, but the lives of the people around them. They must demonstrate extraordinary courage and make critical choices to pass a terrible test. Clearly resonant with the events of the Nord-Ost theatre siege, this is a follow up to Alexei Petrukhin’s searing 2015 high school drama, Teacha featuring one of the most celebrated actors of Russian and Soviet cinema, Irina Kupchenko in the title role. Petrukhin says, the film raises important issues relating to our understanding of different generations, our history, religion and terrorism. And most importantly - what kind of actions is a person ready to take in a critical situation?


  • 演员:Robyn,Butler,Rosal
  • 简介: 《图书馆员》描述一个藏身在伦敦大都会公共图书馆中的古老组织的故事,他们以解决神秘事件、抵抗超自然势力的侵袭、从全球各地寻找拥有强大魔力的古物为己任。在过去10年内,Flynn Carsen(Noah Wyle)一直担任该组织的头面人物「图书馆员」。他负责收集和保护各种古物,避免它们落入坏人之手。可是现在的情况已与以前完全不同,就算Flynn再能干,「图书馆员」的工作也不可能继续由一个人独自承担。为了协助Flynn完成使命,图书馆从全球范围内雇佣了四名新成员:训练有素的反恐专家Eve Baird(Rebecca Romijn),她的职责是保护这个团队的安全,确保他们能活着完成每一项任务;来自俄克拉荷马州的石油工人Jake Stone(Christian Kane),智商高达190,大脑中就像装着一本艺术史的百科全书;性格古怪的年轻女人Cassandra(Lindy Booth),在听觉和「感知幻觉」方面有天赋,拥有「记忆提取」能力——也就是人们常说的「联觉」(synesthesia)现象;新技术专家Jones(John Kim),不仅迷恋各种尖端科技,也迷恋经典的罪案故事,他很享受在神秘事件中担当一个「国际人」。坏脾气的Jenkins(John Larroquette)负责监管这个团队的工作,他是个古代传说的专家,对神学、玄学和神秘学了如指掌。几乎没有人认识他……因为他长期在图书馆之外工作。这个团队有许多可怕的敌人,其中最主要的对手是「毒蛇兄弟会」(Serpent Brotherhood)。这是一个由神秘的不死之人Dulaque(Matt Frewer)领导的古老邪教组织。


  • 演员:斯科特·巴库拉,卢卡斯·布莱克,范妮
  • 简介: 海军罪案调查处:新奥尔良第四季
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