

  • 演员:Aleksandr,Efimov,K
  • 简介: 俄罗斯空军研制成功了“苏-X”系列战斗机,它具有最先进的技术和最卓越的功能,引起了国内外广泛的关注,尤其是国际著名的恐怖分子;恐怖分子为了摄取战斗机相关资料和样机,不惜以“美女”、“金钱”等各种手段来引诱、收买和打击俄罗斯战斗机的优秀飞行员;但本片的主人公和“克格勃”机智地与之周旋,驾驶着最先进俄制新型的“苏-X”战斗机与恐怖活动展开惊心动魄的生死空战,为俄罗斯空军立下了汗马功劳……


  • 演员:Alexander,Efimov,K
  • 简介: 俄罗斯空军研制成功了“苏-X”系列战斗机,它具有最先进的技术和最卓越的功能。“苏-X”系列战斗机的出现引起了国内外广泛的关注,尤其是国际著名的恐怖分子。恐怖分子为了获得战斗机相关资料和样机,不惜以美女、金钱等各种手段来引诱、收买和打击俄罗斯战斗机的优秀飞行员。但本片的主人公和“克格勃”机智地与之周旋,驾驶着最先进俄制新型的“苏-X”战斗机与恐怖活动展开惊心动魄的生死空战,为俄罗斯空军立下了汗马功劳。


  • 演员:Irina,Kupchenko,An
  • 简介: At the full-house premiere of the much-anticipated new musical production of Romeo & Juliet high school group and their teacher mingle with the opening night crowd. They are surrounded by people who are full of excitement. But instead of a new interpretation of a classic, the on-stage drama is overtaken by real events. The theatre is infiltrated by terrorists and the audience are taken hostage. In a high-pressure situation where hundreds of lives are at stake, the experienced school teacher is thrust unwittingly into the role of chief negotiator between the police and the terrorists. Her former students are forced to turn from theory to practice and save not only their lives, but the lives of the people around them. They must demonstrate extraordinary courage and make critical choices to pass a terrible test. Clearly resonant with the events of the Nord-Ost theatre siege, this is a follow up to Alexei Petrukhin’s searing 2015 high school drama, Teacha featuring one of the most celebrated actors of Russian and Soviet cinema, Irina Kupchenko in the title role. Petrukhin says, the film raises important issues relating to our understanding of different generations, our history, religion and terrorism. And most importantly - what kind of actions is a person ready to take in a critical situation?
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