

  • 演员:布莱恩·拉金,伊万·卡马拉斯,迈克尔
  • 简介: In this third installment of the hit Nazi Zombie action horror movie, Outpost: Rise Of The Spetnaz, we discover the horrifying origins of these supernatural soldiers and see them in ferocious gladiatorial battle against the most ruthless and notorious of all military special forces: the Russian Spetsnaz.


  • 演员:珍娜·德·瓦尔,罗伊·哈特拉姆,Er
  • 简介: 这部原创音乐剧以黛安娜王妃璀璨又心碎的人生为主轴,在百老汇正式开演前事先录制完成。


  • 演员:安德鲁·罗伯森,夏洛特·甘斯布,Al
  • 简介: 英国郊区,一家人搬到一幢黑色的公寓中。父亲(Hanns Zischler 饰)在修葺院子时猝死,母亲(Sinéad Cusack 饰)则自此患病,每况愈下。为了不使四个孩子被福利机构领走,母亲坚持不去...


  • 演员:伊娃·达尔贝克,哈里特·安德森,古纳
  • 简介: 一个时尚编辑和一个模特儿到另一座城市出差,两人各自发生艳遇,但春梦一觉醒来,才得见内心的惶恐。上世纪50年代的伯格曼作品经常有强迫深刻的意味,如本片对女性梦想、痛苦、挣扎等跟男人的关系作了探讨,虽然是部讽刺喜剧,但有一种焦距不准的模糊。


  • 演员:GarethRickards,文森特
  • 简介:   Also new to the slate is recently completed Australian title Rough Stuff, an action-adventure story about an activist group which makes a dubious deal with a group of treasure seekers and their modified four-wheel-drives on an expedition through the Australian outback.


  • 演员:乔治·布莱顿,Charleene,C
  • 简介: Sam, a brilliant computer hacker seeking a better life, always seems to make the wrong choices, even under the watchful eye of his probation officer, Harry. Now, barred from using the Internet and stuck working fast food with his best friend and fellow hacker, Stanley, Sam poses as a Postal Worker, stealing people's mail to make ends meet. Until one letter changes everything. Written by the beautiful Josie to her dead husband, a Marine killed in Afghanistan, the heart-wrenching missive wakes something in Sam. Desperate to become worthy of such love, he begins following Josie and stealing more letters, until finally finding the courage to introduce himself. As Sam and Josie grow closer, she warms to the possibility of a new life as he's reminded of the values left behind in childhood. But fate shows its hand when Sam's past catches up with him in the form of an aggressive FBI agent and missing Bitcoins. When Josie discovers the truth, she must decide if the betrayal will force her back...


  • 演员:Margarete,Schön,Th
  • 简介: Wunder der Schöpfung is an extraordinary, fascinating Kulturfilm trying to explain the whole human knowledge of the 1920s about the world and the universe. 15 special effects experts and 9 cameramen were involved in the production of this film which combines documentary scenes, historical documents, fiction elements, animation scenes and educational impact. It its beautifully colored, using tinting and toning in a very elaborated way. Some visual ideas in the sequences with a space shuttle visiting different planets in the universe seem to have to be the inspiration for Stanley Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey.  In the context of Germany's Kulturfilm phenomenon, Wunder der Schöpfung was among the greatest achievements of the 1920s. The production was constructed, rehearsed, and shot over a period of two and a half years, under the supervision of Hanns Walter Kornblum. The idea to describe the universe and man's place in it well suited UFA's Grossfilm mentality, one year before the Metropolis catastrophe. Hundreds of skilled craftsmen participated in the project, building props and constructing scale models drawn by 15 special effects draughtsmen, while 9 cameramen in separate units worked on the historical, documentary, fiction, animation, and science-fiction sequences. Without star roles or even protagonists, the film's plot is crowded with meticulously structured and skillfully acted single scenes an artful mosaic of small vignettes. No less than four credited university professors ensured the factual background behind the scientific and historical events portrayed.  The film's symbol of progress and the new scientific era is a spacecraft, travelling through the Milky Way, making all the planets and their inspiring worlds familiar to us, with the extravaganza of their distinctive features. The film's educational intentions, however, become steadily more obscure, humorous, or even campy as this popularization project proceeds. With the excuse of presenting the end of the world a not-so-new concept as a new, undeniably scientific truth, the film veers happily along a new path, displaying detailed apocalyptic scenes of the end of mankind. For today's audiences, this amazing film demonstrates how the universe was comprehended in the 1920s, and how that view was sold to contemporary audiences.


  • 演员:Gareth Koorzen,Sas
  • 简介: A mixed couple move to Los Angeles for a fresh start. But old wounds and resentments are re-ignited when the wife’s twin sister pays a visit.


  • 演员:Emir Mahira,Zee JK
  • 简介: 暂无简介


  • 演员:麦克斯·哈伍德,理查德·E·格兰特,
  • 简介: 根据真人经历改编,讲述16岁的杰米想成为一位变装皇后,却因此备受霸凌和歧视,在母亲和好友的支持下,他终于勇敢地去实现梦想。
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