

  • 演员:Michelle,von,Floto
  • 简介: Three beautiful young women are tricked and seduced by Lord Isherwood. When their plan for revenge accidentally kills him, the Lord's Gypsy protector Natasha places a curse on the three, putting them into a hundred-year sleep. 100 years later, the three are awakened when the American descendants of Lord Isherwood come to visit the family estate. The young ladies want nothing more than to get on with their lives and make up for lost time, but Natasha is not yet ready to let them leave.


  • 演员:Aniello,Arena,Ciro
  • 简介: Naples. At almost fifty years old Sandro is the leader of the Apache, a group of ultras with whom he has spent his whole life at the stadium: a life of violence, clashes, passions, and unshakable values. Now that a Daspo prevents him from approaching the curve, those values are starting to falter. Sandro feels for the first time the need for a normal life, a relationship, maybe even a family. Also meeting Terry, who is beautiful and seems to not fear anything. Angelo is sixteen and considers the Apache his family. Sandro is his guide, the person who took the place of his brother Sasa, who died years earlier during the clashes of a trip. ULTRAS is the story of their friendship, of a faith and a love marked by the last few weeks of a football championship, and the inevitable meeting of both with their own destiny. In the Naples of Francesco Lettieri (Liberato, Calcutta, Emis Killa, Thegiornalisti and many others) Ultras tells an almost fraternal friendship between the two protagonists with, in the background, a hypothetical football championship. Ultras is the first film by Francesco Lettieri, it will be released in selected cinemas on March 9, 10 and 11 and will be available on Netflix from March 20.


  • 演员:Simone,Spinazze,米莎
  • 简介: 十四世纪的意大利被黑死病的阴霾笼罩,许多青年男女纷纷前往乡间避难。洛伦佐(海登克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen 饰)是个英俊的青年,因为得罪了佛罗伦萨当地富有的贵族拉拉塔,逃亡到乡间的一所修道院中。因为被修女误认成哑巴而留在了修道院中,做着一些杂工的活。日子久了洛伦佐发现这所修道院的修女都非常的空虚寂寞,误把他当作不能开口的哑巴而纷纷来找他寻欢。而洛伦佐更是在这期间对一带着面纱却难掩美色的少女一见钟情,朝夕相处让两人虽不知对方身份却坠入爱河。机缘巧合洛伦佐知道了原来这少女叫庞贝妮娅(米莎巴顿 Mischa Barton 饰),因其美貌的外表被拉拉塔盯上,更是因父亲的债务被许配给了恶人拉拉塔。面对拉拉塔带着大班人马前来向庞贝妮娅逼婚,为了心爱的情人,洛伦佐挺身而出,与拉拉塔进行了一场激烈的角逐。该片取材于薄伽丘的小说《十日谈》。


  • 演员:费·唐纳薇,马塞洛·马斯楚安尼,Ca
  • 简介: 茱莉亚(费·唐纳薇 Faye Dunaway 饰)刚刚结束了一段失败的婚姻,为了排解心中的郁闷,她决定前往威尼斯,和朋友们待在一起。一次偶然中,茱莉亚在电视上看到了一位名叫瓦利瑞恩(马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰)的工程师接受采访,茱莉亚回想起这正是曾经和自己有过一面之缘的那个男人。 怀着激动之情,茱莉亚主动联络了瓦利瑞恩,和茱莉亚所想的一样,瓦利瑞恩是一位温文尔雅的绅士,随着接触的增加,两人之间燃起了热烈的爱情火花。然而,这段幸福时光并没有持续多久,在感情受到伤害的同时,茱莉亚惊闻自己换上了不治之症,绝望之中,她想到了自我了断。


  • 演员:Pierretaix,DeniseP
  • 简介: IMDB简介 The directors cut (restored version) opens and closes with theatrical curtains in homage to Georges Méliés films, and is divided into four parts, separated by title cards: I - Linsomnie [a man cant sleep, and reads about vampires until sunrise, when his wife finally wakes up and reveals her true nature]; II - Le cinématographe [unlike 1895, employees leaving the facto...


  • 演员:Starring,Walter,Si
  • 简介: 桑德拉是福克斯组织里的一员,她的名字现在位居布罗伊尔监察官“通缉令”的“榜首”,她必须再次离开德国。但在她去机场的路上接了一个紧急电话,这使她不得不留下来,她堂弟阿明遇到大麻烦了。阿明一直在追求自己的梦想——修建一个小小地绿色葡萄酒庄园,他已经卖出了第一批葡萄酒(至少他是这么认为的)。家财万贯的饭店老板费迪南德·露丝克开瓶之后声称酒污染了。 阿明没有驳回案件的证据,他将负责累累,阿明无路可走,只有跳楼自杀。幸好马克斯(福克斯的简称)的妻子安德烈娅有法子阻止他自杀,这对福克斯组织来说前所未有。 今罗宾汉
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